Northwest Animal Healing and Intuitive Communication, Missing Pets
There is nothing more tragic and stressful than when one of our beloved furkids goes missing. It is a complete shock to ourselves and entire family. For the missing pet as well in may cases. So much depends on the circumstances at the time they went missing as to how long it may take to locate them. All missing ones go into what I call the Zone. Others may call it Survival Mode. Both are accurate descriptions of an animal who doesn’t appear to know who they are, where they are or who you are should they see you. This can and does happen almost immediately. It is the weirdest look I have ever seen on an animal and I have seen it with my own a couple of times. The shy ones may feel hunted and find a place to lay low and hide maybe only moving at night. Rescue animals may feel abandoned and only remember the times before you adopted them. For those whose previous circumstances were less than stellar they may feel a form of earlier trauma and PTSD. They too will seek a place to hide. For our gregarious ones, they often get caught up in their adventure moving willy nilly until they discover they are Lost. Some actually are enjoying their adventure. I know, not what we want to hear. And for others, many pets are stolen, many are found and kept in spite of all your postings about them. Some people will justify that by assuming that you were a bad pet parent ! And then yes, some do sadly meet with harm. There really isn’t any situation I haven’t run across while working with missing pets. For that reason I tailor my work with them accordingly. Working with their energy, balancing their energy, removing negative energies from previous life situations prior to their adoption with you if that is appropriate. Really whatever is needed for them to help them stop hiding, running and pop them out of that Zone. Working with their energy allows them to feel less stressed about their situation and more willing to show me their surroundings. The use of Map Dowsing helps to narrow down the area they may be in as well as if they have established a day/evening routine of moving around. While recovery may sound bleak and impossible, over my previous years of working missing pets with Animal Communicator Judi J. Byers, before Judi passed into Spirit, I am now in my 18th year of helping pet owners reunite with their missing loved ones. I are very happy to report that many, many pets have been successfully returned home to their families, the return rate remains at 89%. I wish that I could say there is a one size fits all when it comes to working with missing pets. There just really isn’t but we do know certain actions on our part can actualize the fastest results, your loved one returned home. Yes, on your end, post flyers. Smaller ones in your own neighborhood, large poster size on main streets that people can see easily when driving by. Post of course to your neighborhood social forums and any Facebook groups that are local to your area. Notify shelters and physically visit the shelters, mistakes have been made. Notify local veterinarians but keep in mind that anyone who brings your pet to an office, if that person states this is THEIR pet, that office has to protect the identity of the client and not your pet or You. Even if the pet is microchipped and registered to you as their rightful person. I know, doesn’t seem right but I have had cases where this is exactly what happened. Fortunately not very often. If you do see your pet, try using happy phrases they associate with you and home. Different pet names, we all have them. For my own, yelling “Kitty Treats” or Cookies for the dogs gets their attention and helps with any zone they may be in even right around their own home. Also stop and sit for periods at a time. Many pets have heard their people calling them and tried to follow their voices only to arrive there and find you gone. Driving around is often not the ideal way to find especially cats or small dogs. Maybe use a combination of both. I will certainly guide and support you with as many tips as I can to help reduce the stress all of you are feeling. Phone Consultation, Communication & Map Dowsing for 72 Hours, $299 Purchase Service/Checkout Email Reading & Map Dowsing only for your missing pet, $175 Purchase Service/Checkout Rechecking Open Cases with us up to two weeks after your initial reading & map dowsing, $75 Purchase Service/Checkout Quick Check to determine if your pet is still alive, $75 Purchase Service/Checkout To ensure prompt attention, please include in an email, photos, your full name and address, your pet’s name (including nicknames), age, circumstances, and any recent sighting locations. Kristi Sarah Kamp-Adante nwanimalhealing@gmail.com (208) 290-8397 Pacific Standard Time |
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